Nub: the crux or central point of a matter
At the Nub, you’ll find the latest NUBSLI announcements, guest blogs and related interpreting and union information.
What NUBSLI are doing
7 December 2015
NUBSLI has been working hard for its members and for the interpreting profession. Find out what we’ve been doing, and plan on doing, during the year ahead.
National Interpreting Framework Agreement: how it might affect you
7 December 2015
On 6 May 2014 information about a national framework agreement was advertised by the Cabinet Office. Its aim is to bring together various framework agreements for interpreting and translation and it has the potential to hugely impact on interpreters’ terms and conditions.
Why do I need to be a member of a union as well as a professional association?
7 December 2015
A union and a professional association support you and your profession in different ways. In these uncertain times for interpreting, a Union can provide powerful support for interpreters.
The National Union of BSL Interpreters Branch has been established to support not only our careers, but also the careers of Deaf BSL users
7 December 2015
In protecting our terms and conditions and rates of pay, we are ensuring that deaf people are able to access fully qualified and suitable skilled professionals. Our profession, like many others, is under threat from government cuts. BSL interpreters are predominately funded by government in areas such as health, police, courts and workplace support.