Here is the related content for: Black Lives Matter
One year on from George Floyd’s murder: we need action
This is a critical time for both Black Lives Matter and the Trade Union movements. We need to step up, stand up & speak out. We need to show our abhorrence to racism. Take the Knee on Tuesday 25th May and share photo or video evidence via social media at 6pm
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Black Lives Matter; a call to arms
“Interpreters alone cannot change the fabric of society, but we can change how we interact with each other.” Audrey Simmons guest blogs on our latest Nub on how to combat bias and racism in the interpreting community.
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Standing in solidarity with Black communities against racism and injustice
It is not enough to denounce the violence enacted on Black individuals or to say that we oppose the systematic racism that permeates throughout all levels of our society. We need to look at ourselves.
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